Creative Consultants has affiliates with PME Academy, Australia. PME Academy organizes international training on Monitoring & Evaluation, Impact Measurement and building M&E capacity through our M&E courses, workshops and seminars. Creative Consultants  provide technical assistance to conduct the courses.

M&E Training in Bangkok

Creative Consultants International provided technical support to conduct international Training and Forum at Bangkok and other region in the Asia.

Training of Research Assistants

Training for Research Assistants

List of Projects/Assignment:

  1. M&E Training – Basic and advanced M&E concepts, techniques and tools for project and programme M&E, Thailand (Feb – Mar 2017)
  2. Training Needs Analysis, Capacity-building Planning and Training (for IFAD), Thailand (March 2010)
  3. PNG Climate Change Authority training – Results-based M&E in reporting Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) (October 2023 -ADB)
  4. Development Planning and Management Training for the PNG National Fisheries Authority in Port Moresby (September-October 2023)
  5. M&E Capacity-Building for Climate Change and ADB Climate Change Framework Review (June 2019 – intermittent ongoing (Southeast Asia)
  6. International Project Management Capacity Development Training (UNFAO Philippines) (Mar 2015 Philippines)
  7. International M&E Capacity-Building training to assist CIDA staff in Bangladesh (Mar 2015)
  8. Conducted 2nd Result Based M&E Forum and Training held at Bangkok, organized jointly with IMI, Australia & SfED New Zealand (2013)
  9. Conducting and Management Web-based Rice Production Training to the Government Agriculture Extension Personnel and Farmers (2013-2018)
  10. Conducted 1st Result Based M&E Forum and Training held at Bangkok, organized by IMI-Austrlia, SFED, New Zealand (2012).
  11. Conducted Training to the Field Team for Data Collection for In-depth Monitoring of Research, Development and Extension of Cashew Nut and Coffee Project, Bangladesh (2024);
  12. Conducted Training to the Field Team for Data Collection for Impact Evaluation of Coastal Climate Resilient Infrastructure Project of LGED, Government of Bangladesh (2023);
  13. Conducted Training to the Research Team for Data Collection for In-depth Monitoring of In-depth Monitoring of Production and Marketing of Minor Crops at Nutritious High Prices to Alleviate Poverty” under Bangladesh Rural Development Board (BRDB) (2022).

Some Training Photos:


M&E Training for International Development, Bangkok

M&E Training for International Development, Bangkok

International Training on M&E, Bangkok

International Training on M&E, Bangkok

BRKB Photo1

Bangladesh Rice Knowledge Bank Based Rice Production Training, BRKB Training Centre, BRRI, Gazipur

Knowledge Bank Based Rice Production Training, BRKB Training Centre, BRRI, Gazipur