We provide support to Government in their efforts to project management to setting up and operationalizing Project Management Units (PMUs) for a large number of projects. Our main approach is to promote and ensure locally driven project implementation to achieve ownership and the sustainability of projects.

Project Management

Demonstration Plot of Year Round Fruits Production and Nutrition Project of DAE evaluated by CCIL

In order to meet these objectives, Creative Consultants provide support in the following ways:

  • Establish project management support units
  • Develop work processes, including organograms
  • Provide training, monitoring, and capacity building in project management
  • Strengthen project monitoring and reporting in a systematic manner
  • Detect challenges, risk factors and mitigating risks in advance for projects
  • Promote lesson learning, knowledge transfer and exchange
  • Cost engineering
  • Facilitation (business)
  • Project management simulation
  • Resource allocation
  • Scientific management
  • Systems engineering
  • Total cost management
  • Workflow management

Research Team Visit Cashew Nut and Coffee Demonstration Plot in Modhupur Upazila of Tanagail District. This is DAE-BARI Project, MOA