International Advisers
David Hearle (UK and Australian citizens) is our International Adviser and advise for the international projects relevant to M&E and Training and Capacity Building. David engaged with Creative Consultants International Ltd since 2010.
David Hearle is very well recognised in international development as an M&E specialist with 32 years’ experience in Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe, the Middle East and, South America. This has involved working as project director, team leader, consultant and trainer in 28 countries for many of the UN agencies, World Bank, EU, numerous bilateral donors, including DFID, SDC, GTZ and many national and international NGOs. David is the Managing Director of IMI and previously Director of IMA, Director of Futures Academy and Director of the Effective Development Group.
Dr. Lesley Williams (New Zealand citizen) is our International Adviser and advise for the international projects relevant to Result-based Monitoring and Evaluation System, Training and Capacity Building, International Project Management. She engaged with Creative Consultants International Ltd since 2012.
Dr. Lesley is the Director of SfED Ltd (New Zealand), a company specializing in capacity development and PM&E. She is a former Director of a Government-owned curriculum and learning materials development company in New Zealand (Learning Media), and was co-founder and host of the 2012-2014 Learn Mande M&E Forum in Bangkok. Dr Lesley is a qualified trainer with extensive experience in designing, developing and facilitating courses in Training Needs Assessment and Design; RBM&E; Competency-based Learning; Active Teaching and Learning; Theory of Change and Logic Models; and Project Management in the Asia-Pacific area.
Dr. Craig A Meisner (US Citizen) obtained Ph.D. degree from University of Georgia in Agronomy/Crop Physiology; and Masters of Agriculture North Carolina State University with a major in Interdisciplinary degree: in pathology, physiology, and crop production. He has more than 39 years’ experience as a development professional, researcher, agronomist, project management specialist, technical adviser in various international research and development organizations and donor agencies world-wide. Though mainly based in Bangladesh for 34 years, he has traveled throughout the world in his work like Australia, England (UK), France, Germany, Mexico (2 years), South Africa, The Netherlands, Zimbabwe, Portugal, Spain, Philippines, Republic of China, Taiwan, India, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Ukraine, Cambodia (3 years), Peru, and Vietnam. Dr. Meisner is fluent in reading, writing and speaking Bangla and Spanish. We was conversant in Khmer, the language of Cambodia. He worked in FAO Bangladesh, WorldFish, IFPRI, ICRISAT, IRRI, CIAT, IWMI, ACIAR, IFDC, & CIMMYT. He has over 225 publications in his career.